Adopt An Animal Program

Thank you for choosing to Adopt An Animal in support of the Zoo's wildlife.
Confirm your adoption choice:

Rise & Conquer Adoption

Adopt An Otter

Adopt A Lion

Adopt A Penguin

Adopt An African Elephant

Adopt A Chimpanzee

Adopt A Grizzly

Adopt A Cheetah

Adopt A Giraffe

Limited Edition Ivy Adopt with Print

Ivy Adopt with Print

Penguin Adopt and Encounter

Valentine's Day Flamingo Adopt

Otter Adopt & Experience

Rhino Adopt & Experience

Penguin Adopt with Personal Video Message

Who is this Animal Adoption for?

Please enter the name of the animal adopter.

Gift information
Recipient information
Primary adopter:
Primary adopter:
Total: $0.00